Wednesday, July 11, 2001


Managed to make myself bike-and-bus it today, after more than a month off from biking. It's a short ride, but it's a ride. I think my rear tire is flat--at least it's low, but with the double-wall tire, it's barely noticeable. There are a couple of route options besides Sonoma State, in getting to a bus stop. I can ride up Stony Point and over on 116 to Redwood Way, which actually seems maybe the best option. Might try it tomorrow or Friday (and time the ride to work from there so I know when to leave in the afternoon).

Still holding a job, for now.

Lots of movies.

Drinking has sorta seeped back into our lives, especially around the July 4 stuff. I woke Sunday after a many-beers Saturday, thinking, "I haven't felt THIS bad since..."

Uh, that would be "Wednesday."

Oh well. Restarting the regular bike rides will help my mood a lot, I think. I've really missed it, and feeling my slim physique going horribly flabby inch by inch, pound by pound... I'm probably more tan this year than I've ever been (except maybe summers with Grandma by the lake age 10 or so). So at least I *look* like I get out a lot.