Friday, February 02, 2001


"Late" start today. Slept to the unheard-of hour of 6:30, and didn't get on my bike till about 7:45.

It's quite a bit warmer at this hour .

Bad news that pyra's on the rocks...

Thursday, February 01, 2001


Tuesday, I took 24 pictures on the ride home; will post them somewhere after developing. Nothing spectacular, but I tried to get a sequence of pix showing the entire ride from Rainsville, Liberty, Center, and King, and some of the critters I see every day. Not my normal ~3.9-mile ride - actually about 6 miles, and a lot more work when I stop every quarter mile (e.g. at the bottom of a hill when I had some momentum...) to take a picture. For whatever reason, couldn't post to blogger that day, but it got me to


Finally broke the string yesterday and drove to work and back. Quite cold this morning and beautiful with frost on the grass, but too dark to get a picture on the ride in. I've been working 9+ hour days this week, working on other people's files and trying to get it done quickly so I don't get blamed if anything's late. Anyway, that's why I'm riding to work in the dark. I will get that frost-and-sunrise picture one of these mornings... I'd been figuring 20-30 minutes for the standard 3.9-mile ride; timed it today, not stopping anywhere but also not pushing it, at 23 minutes.

I unofficially consider some of this time to be part of my working hours. If I was an employer, I'd give people SOME credit for exercise time, maybe 30-40 minutes a day (ha! maybe 46 minutes precisely) , because it does make for good workers. I will stay and work 10, 11, 12 hours if I need to, but on a normal day, if I don't have crucial work to do, I consider seven-hours-plus-biking a pretty good day.

Tuesday, January 30, 2001


Early ride, crisp and clear (and dark!). A dog started to follow me on Fair road, right before the little down-and-up.

Barking dogs don't scare me. Silent dogs scare me, esp. when I can't quite make out the dog's shape, and can't really look back to get a closer look...

But whatever it was, I lost it on the downhill.

Need better lights - perhaps a helmet light would be enough, since I could aim it independently of steering... It would also provide more 'binocular' vision (hence, depth perception). Need to get the reflector back on, too, in case the taillight batteries die.

Started bringing the (non-digital) camera. Got a picture or two last night, will ride in a bit late one morning and try to catch some of that light. Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, January 29, 2001


Had planned to take the car in this morning, after checking the oil and water yesterday (they told me to check for milky oil, indicating water in the crankcase, and the oil didn't look milky to me), the car seemed to run okay. When I started it this morning (after loading the bike and rack onto the back), the car starts fine, but the gas pedal is at the floor with no effect on fuel delivery to the engine.

This just gets better and better.

Finally found out Friday that we didn't get the house we'd hoped for - major disappointment. Now we're forced to continue looking at places, which can be pretty depressing: $1500 for a house not much bigger than our current $900 rental.

Since we're about to put down another month's rent here, maybe I should just let the car sit for another month (or two, or three). I'm enjoying the daily bike rides, the weather hasn't been horrible, and I could make a little interest on the money I'll eventually spend on getting the car fixed.

Otherwise, a fine morning; low-lying Tule (too'lee) fog, no frost and no rain, and I got in just before sunrise, with peach-colored highlights low in the eastern sky...